Karachi Bus Attack Is A Extreme Of Terrorism.
Karachi is the biggest city of Pakistan, platform of trade and business. Although, it`s a fact that all big cities have some minor problems but as seen the situations of Karachi, we will observe extremism of problems. These problems may include terrorism such as the recent Karachi Bus Attack, in this attack almost 45 Ismaili Shia committee member had been killed by pistol shoot one by one. When they were going towards a Jamat Khana ( Place Of Religion) from Al-Azhar Garden by Al-saffora road. Actually its not a purpose media to shines these accidents, but its a time for Government to take steps.
'I am angry... I am Ismaili, I am Pakistani' - messages of solidarity after #KarachiBusAttack http://t.co/c7VkjPFLw7 pic.twitter.com/NsN5G16dG1
— BBC Trending (@BBCtrending) May 15, 2015
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