Huge heatwave in karachi, Kills More Than 1000 people.

During 20 to 23 June, the people of Karachi observed the hottest day since 10 years and becomes the victims of heatstroke. Due to the load shedding of electricity makes more difficult for the people. Government of Sindh decides to have artificial rainfall in Karachi to reduce the heatwave. Edhi welfare received hundreds of dead bodies, many of hospitals becomes totally filled. More than 1000 people died in this wave and many are in serious condition.
Treatments Of Heat Stroke (Published By USAID)
Always call an ambulance if a person near you seems to have heatstroke. While you are waiting for the ambulance to arrive, you should.- Move the person to a cool area as quickly as possible.
- Increase ventilation by opening windows (crossing of air) or using a fan.
- Give them water to drink (if they are conscious), but do not give them medication, such as aspirin or paracetamols.
- Shower their skin with cool, but not cold, water (15°-16° C) or cover body with cool towel.
- If they have seizure, move nearby object out of way to prevent injury but do not apply or put anything in mouth.
Massive heat wave hits Karachi, More than 700 lives are dead.
— The Front Times™ (@TheFrontTimes) June 24, 2015
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