Big Fights On WWE Batleground 2015.
WWE Battleground Is On Fire, Brock Lesnar Ready To Blast On Seth Rollins.
As we know that, On Raw Brock lesnar destroyed new Cadillac which is gifted by Seth Rollins to J&J security. Paul Heyman says disrespect Seth Rollins and Brock wants to break his body by many suplexes. He further says Brock conquered Triple H, Undertaker and John Cena , but he didn't disrespect them so how destructive he conquer Seth Rollins. On the event, Roman Reigns will fight Bray Wyatt and John Cena against Kevin Owen for USA championship.
Ryback, Bigshow and the miz fights for Intercontinental Championship.
Although, This event becomes the biggest, All superstars would be in action.

Ryback, Bigshow and the miz fights for Intercontinental Championship.
Although, This event becomes the biggest, All superstars would be in action.
This is the #WWE #Battleground!
LIVE on Monday, July 20 at 3 AM KSA. Watch the video for more details.
— OSN (@osn) July 5, 2015
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